John 8:47 says, "He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."

When I have told someone that God spoke to me about something, every now and then I get a quizzical look, followed by the question, "How do you know it was God who spoke to you? How do you know that the voice you heard wasn't just your conscience or some kind of intuition?

There are many things that trouble me about our society and culture, one of those things is our ability to minimise truth. We break things down into logic and what is seen. Sadly this minimisation has somehow entrenched itself into the Christian Church to the point that many Christians say, "How do I know I can hear God speak?"

Let me confess to you that I too used to ask this question - why? Because I made myself so busy achieving things for God that I forgot to wait and see where God was working. Once the breakthrough came though my relationship with the Lord changed from an 'achieving for Him' mentality to a 'being in Him mentality." Subsequently, rather than minimising what I limited to some voice in my head or imagination of my mind, I started to take action upon what God spoke.

Let me give you an example so you can understand what I am saying.

Some years ago something would tell me to do something or see someone. I would think about what I thought I heard, minimise it by telling myself I was just imagining things and get on with my own business. I have since learned that what I was probably ignoring wasn't my thoughts, but God's voice.

Two years ago I was quietly having some time with the Lord praying for various people. I asked the Lord to lead me to pray for those most in need. A friend of mines name came to mind who I hadn't seen or spoken to for about 6 months. He lived some 600 km away from me at the time. I asked the Lord what I needed to pray for that person and while I was praying the Lord said clearly to me, phone Brad now and encourage him. In the past I would have ignored this suggestion, but I had learned my lesson. I called Brad straight away and his wife answered the phone. She said to me, "thank goodness you called, Brad needs to talk to you." We talked for about 45 minutes. Brad had become disillusioned with many things. A week later we met together and Brad said to me, "Scott, of all the days in my whole life you could have called me, last Thursday was the best day as it was the worst day of my life."

You see, I didn't know before I called what Brad was going through - but God did. As a result He urged a servant of His to make the contact and get beside a child of His who was suffering.

The point is - God speaks and when He speaks we need to listen and put into action what He says.

Now we have already spoken about how God does not operate by formulas. Therefore, we need to remember that God speaks in many different ways.



Hebrews 1:1 says, "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways." So we find in the Old Testament that God spoke through:

Now, we can look at a list of things like these, and no doubt there are many more, and say - well, how do I identify how God speaks in various situations in my life. If that is our thinking, then we are looking at it with the wrong perspective. You see, the more important issue is that God does speak to us, how He speaks only comes after this.

There are 4 important factors come into play here as we look at the Old Testament.

Firstly, when God spoke, it was usually unique to that individual. For example, Moses had no precedent for his burning bush experience. He couldn't say, "Well, obviously this is my burning bush experience, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had theirs, now it must be my turn." Up to this point of time, there was no other incident that Moses could base his encounter with God upon where God spoke from a burning bush. If he based his listening to god on some sought of formula that was handed down, then he could very well have said, "Well, this burning bush is obviously a sign I've had too much sun that is causing me to hallucinate. Can you imagine if Moses was around today - would he be tempted to write a book entitled "How to hear God - my burning bush experience". And if he had, how many well meaning Christians would go and buy the book thinking, "Finally something that will teach me how to hear God."

So the key here isn't how God spoke, but that He spoke. And this is one point that has not changed - God speaks to His people today.

Secondly, when God spoke, the person was sure God was speaking. The very fact that God spoke to Moses in a unique way, I think, helped Moses identify that God was speaking. Moses could not doubt it, Ex. 3:14 records God identifying Himself saying "I am who I am." Moses trusted God, obeyed Him, and experienced God in a special way.

Previously I spoke about my concern that as Christians we have mimicked our society and culture by minimising the truth. Can you imagine the questions Moses would have received in our society today?

"Moses, prove to me by logic that it was God who spoke to you."

"Moses did you actually see God?"

"Moses, I'm afraid we cannot accept your version of the story that you heard God speak because we can only trust in cause and effect. Unless you can replicate this so called meeting you had with God, then we cannot accept your evidence as concrete truth."

You see, all Moses could do was to testify to his own personal encounter with God. That poses many doubts in a societies mind that bases its beliefs only on what is based on logic and what can be seen. You see, it is only God Himself who could cause people to know that the word given to Moses was a word from God - and we see later in the records of Moses that this is precisely what happened.

Thirdly, when God spoke the person knew precisely what God said. It wasn't some kind of mixed up mumbo jumbo that people could not understand. If the people opened their ears and hearts, then they knew precisely what God was saying and doing. Moses knew what God was telling him to do - that's why he argued so hard not to do it because in Moses' mind he didn't have the natural abilities to fulfil what God was asking. But he learned that the Lord was asking for his availability not ability as the Lord would fulfil His work personally through Moses, therefore, it was God who would provide the ability, Moses just had to provide the availability.

Fourthly, when God spoke, that was the encounter with God. Moses would have been silly to say, "Well, that has been a wonderful experience with the burning bush. I hope this leads me to an encounter with God." The fact is, the burning bush was his encounter with God. When God told me to phone Brad, that was my encounter with God. You see, when God reveals truth to you, by whatever means, that is an encounter with God. An encounter with God is simply an experience of His presence in our lives.

Have you experienced God's presence in your life - if so, then you have encountered God. You see, God is the only one who can cause you to experience His presence.

Folks, to know God's voice and His will means that we must give the time and effort to cultivate a love relationship with him. You see, as our love relationship with Him grows, then we become more astute to the Holy Spirit's guidance and the guidance that comes from God's word.


  2. Now, I have a test for you. Today is an extremely important anniversary for the Christian Church, can anyone tell me what it is? (Pentecost)

    Pentecost is an extremely important anniversary for the Christian Church because it is the anniversary of when the Holy Spirit came to us. It also marks the inauguration of the Christian Church.

    Let's just take one step back. We have spoken about encounters with God and God speaking to individuals in the Old Testament. Well, how does this apply in the New Testament.

    Let's take the disciples for a moment. They walked with Jesus and talked with Jesus. Just as Moses met God face-to-face a the burning bush, so too the disciples met face-to-face with God in a personal relationship with Jesus. So their encounter with Jesus was an encounter with God. To hear Jesus was to hear from God.

    What about the early church onwards - that is from the book of Acts to today. You know, sometimes when we move from the gospels to Acts and to the present, we quite often change our whole mind-set. We live as though God stopped speaking personally to His people. We fail to realise that an encounter with the Holy Spirit is an encounter with God. But, from the day of Pentecost, recorded in Acts, and on, God clearly spoke to His people. And He clearly speaks to us today. From the day of Pentecost to today, God has been speaking to us by His Holy Spirit.

    You see, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in the life of the believer. 1 Cor. 3:16 says "You, yourselves are God's temple and … God's Spirit lives in you. 1 cor. 6:19 tells us that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in us and whom we have received from God. If this is the case, it makes sense then that because the Holy Spirit indwells us and is always present in a believer, He then can speak to us clearly and at any time.

    You see, it is the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth and teaches us all things. We understand spiritual truth because the Holy Spirit is working in our lives. We cannot understand the Word of God unless the Spirit of Truth teaches us.

    In John 14:15-17; 26; 16:7-11; 13-15 Jesus Himself says these things:

    "If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-- 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

    But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

    But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

    But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.

    You see, the Author Himself of God's Word makes Himself present in our lives to instruct and guide us. This is the incredible thing about God, we never have to discover truth; truth is revealed. So when the Holy Spirit reveals truth to you, He is not leading you to an encounter with God. That is the encounter with God. Therefore, we encounter God in our lives continually.

    This is why it is so important to respond to God as He reveals His plans and purposes to us. Like what happened with me and the phone call with Brad. Often we selfishly ask God to do something for us. We seek God, but seek Him in the context that He is to answer our desires and wishes. Had I been thinking along these lines when the Lord told me to phone Brad I could have said, "Lord, I'm just too busy this morning". Better still, I could have spiritualised my answer by saying, "Oh Lord, I don’t want to interrupt the time I am having alone with you now." I could even had said, "what blessing do I get out of this, afterall it is a long distance phone call."

    If this is our thinking, then we are on a totally different wave length to God. My call to Brad had nothing to do with what I got out of it, but had everything to do with God seeing a need, revealing Himself to me, and me adjusting my life to fit in with God's plans.

    You see, what we do next after the Holy Spirit speaks to us, through His Word or otherwise, is crucial. Often, when God speaks to us, we make the same mistake as Moses and have a lengthy discussion with God about the merits of what He is asking us to put into action. His calling me to be a pastor is a classic example - my discussion with God as to why I shouldn't become a pastor lasted 18 months.

    Samuel is a wonderful example of taking action on God's words immediately. 1 Samuel 3:19 tells us that Samuel didn’t let a single word of God's fall to the ground. In other words, he didn't let one word of God's go by without taking notice and action.

    So what is it that God reveals when He speaks? Well, it is point (d) on the back of your books - He reveals Himself, His purposes and His ways. Which we have looked at in previous weeks.

    There is one last area of where God speaks to us that I want to look at today, and then next week we will continue on this whole area of how God speaks.



Some of the questions people ask most about God speaking are:

The fact is, as we have seen, God speaks to individually, and He can do it in any way that He pleases. The important thing for us to remember, though, and I have said this before, is that as we walk in an intimate love relationship with God, we will then come to recognise His voice. You will know when God is speaking to you.

I want to quote Blackaby and King here. They write, "God speaks through a variety of means. In the present God primarily speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church. These four means are difficult to separate. God uses prayer and the Bible together. Often circumstances and the church, or other believers will help confirm what God is saying to you. Frequently, God uses circumstances and the church to help you know His timing."

You see, all these components come together as parts of us knowing God's voice and confirming that we have heard properly. The one we are concentrating on here though is the Bible, the others we will look at next week.

The Bible is God's complete revelation of Himself to humanity. God speaks to us through the Bible, but as we saw earlier, the Holy Spirit reveals the truth of God's Word to us. Without His input we will not understand the spiritual truths found in God's Word.

Let's look at a diagram of this for a moment.

This diagram is a diagram of an encounter with God. When the Holy Spirit reveals spiritual truth from the word of God, He is personally relating to your life. That is an encounter with God. So the sequence is this:



So today we have seen a few things.

First is that God speaks to His children. The very fact that He speaks to us is of more importance then how He speaks to us.

Secondly, when God speaks to us, that is an encounter with God. As we grow in our love relationship with Him we will become more astute to His voice.

Thirdly, an encounter with the Holy Spirit is an encounter with God. We can only know spiritual truth because it is the Holy Spirit Himself who reveals that truth to us.

Fourthly, God speaks uniquely to individuals. He doesn't follow one set formula as He speaks to us in any way he pleases. The important thing to remember is that when God speaks to us, we will recognise His voice and need to follow Him. Remember though, that God is more interested in what you become then what you do for Him.

Finally I want to leave you with this.

In terms of hearing God, remember that He will never lead you in opposition to His written Word - the Bible. If what you sense ion prayer runs contrary to Scripture, then it is wrong. So, watch for God to use His written Word to confirm what you are sensing in prayer. Remember, though, don't play games with God. Don’t just look for a verse of Scripture that seems to say what you may selfishly want to do and then claim it as God's will. If we do this, then we are taking ourselves out of God's will.


This sermon has been created and adapted from the book 'Experiencing God' by H.T.Blackaby and C.V.King by Pastor Scott Douglas for teaching in the Burdekin Baptist Church on 16th May, 1999.